a fresh start
Taking the next step in your faith is a big decision. Whether you want to put your faith in Jesus for the very first time, or renew your commitment to him, it’s never too late.
We’re here to help you start/restart your relationship with Jesus. Just follow the simple steps below.

step 1
Jesus came to save us from ourselves. Humans, even the best of us, fall short of God's Holiness in many ways. The Bible teaches us that the wages of sin is death. Jesus came to pay that wage on our behalf. To appropriate it for yourself, simply pray and turn away from sin.

step 2
read the bible
The bible is God's love letter to humanity. It details how the world came to be the way it is and why evil exists. It also shows how God responded to this evil and the great price He paid for it, demonstrating His love for you.
Get to know Him by reading it regularly.

step 3
come to Church
Church is Gods idea! Its His institution. Jesus died for and coming back for the church. Be a part of it.
Church is not a building, its a group of people that come together regularly to worship the God they love together.
Church is where we learn to pray and more about the Bible and where we connect to God and His family.
connect with us
Taking the next step in your faith is a big decision. Whether you want to put your faith in Jesus for the very first time, or renew your commitment to him, it’s never too late.
We’re here to help you start/restart your relationship with Jesus. Just follow the simple steps below.

get baptised
Baptism is an important way to publicly express your faith in Jesus. We offer baptisms here, so ask for details for the next baptism

join a small group
We have found that the strongest Christians are the ones that follow the biblical mandate of fellowship. They get together and grow together.
We encourage you to join our online and in person connect groups, game nights and more
Ask a Welcome Team member for more information.

Call pastor
Our Pastor is available to answer your questions or just to have a friendly chat. Give him a call and he will do his best to help you and be a blessing.
Call him on 07585713634